Seaside Surf Lost Surfboards Round Up and Retro Gun Reivew

Seaside Surf Lost Surfboards Round Up and Retro Gun Reivew

Wake up . . . it’s fall, and new Lost boards just arrived at Seaside Surf Shop. Time to put the grovelers back in the rafters and think about the bigger days ahead. In this latest shipment from Lost we got a few Round-Ups and a size run of the Retro Gun, Mayhem’s new take on vintage 80s high-performance serious-wave surfing.

Retro Gun
Lost Surfboards Retro Gun Images
Matt Biolos calls the Retro Gun “a working man’s gun,” meaning you don’t have to surf like a pro to make full use of this board. Designed to ride big, burly waves in perfect, so-so, or difficult conditions, the Retro Gun comes out in fall and winter, which is why we just received a fresh quiver of them. Coming out of the shipping boxes, they still smelled of resin and carried some dust from sanding.

Design-wise, the Retro Gun nods to the 1980s guns Biolos shaped for himself back then. Volume was the key to performance bigger-wave riding back then, before volume was even calculated by computers. So Mayhem kept the Retro Gun thick, with plenty of forward volume, and maintained a low entry rocker. A continuous rolled vee bottom eases up in the middle but gets more serious in the tail, which has added rocker and a deep double concave.

The Retro Gun provides a platform for rail surfing on bigger waves that may even be cursed with bump, chop, and other imperfections. It holds in strong surf at high speed. Choose your fins — thruster or quad — depending on the day’s conditions. Although Biolos refers to the Retro Gun as a board for normal people, pros like Luke Davis, Kolohe Andino, and Ian Crane love it too. It’s reliable in epic to gnarly, sizable conditions, so the Retro Gun is perfectly at home along the West Coast.

Says Biolos: “For the surfer used to spending most their time on higher volume, hybrid/fish designs in daily surf (but struggle to find a board that suits them when the waves get solid) the Retro Gun is an excellent tool to boost confidence and control in a raucous line-up. It easily replaces a standard gun, or large step-up, but can be done with less length and more thickness without sacrificing control.”

Resin tints are available for the Retro Gun, so you can make it a keeper to show off when you’re old. Live for now. Get one.

Round Up Surfboard Image
Want something more “modern” for good-size waves? Lost offers plenty of step-up options, and we dig the Round-Up, so we got some of those in this recent shipment as well. The Round-Up works as a step-up in critical and not-so-critical waves. The rails are fuller, somewhat forgiving, and the rounded pin makes the board more playful in everyday bigger surf.

Biolos describes the Round-Up like so: “It allows high performance rail surfing and tube riding, and makes it easy to control speed and hold critical lines in head-high and bigger, hollow/powerful waves.”

Check online or call us at (503) 717-1110 to see what sizes we still have in stock. Or place a custom Lost order through us if you’re looking for stock or particular dims in any Lost board, from guns to fish to mid-lengths and performance shortboards. Mayhem boards are sick...

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