Xcel Infiniti Comp TDC Wetsuit

Product Review: Xcel Infiniti Comp TDC Hooded 4.5/3.5mm Wetsuit

The difference is like between low tide and high. Those front-zip suits that had a suitcase zipper straight across from armpit to armpit, made of tar-like anti-stretch neoprene, heavy as s#it, slow to dry… or Xcel’s new hooded Infiniti Comp 4.5/3.5mm. Dennis, owner and stalwart captain of Seaside Surf, calls this his new favorite suit. It’s hands down the most comfortable hooded suit he’s ever worn, says Dennis, who has over thirty years’ experience wearing wetsuits here on the north Oregon coast.

A method exists to this madness. With competition in mind, Xcel streamlined the wetsuit, built it with only high-performance materials, and after a few years—FINALLY!—thickened the neoprene and put a bill-less hood on it. To keep the suit ultra light and stretchy, they eliminated smooth-skin from the entire design, including the hood. No seams cross the body between the upper chest and kneecaps, and the neoprene is one hundred percent ultrastretch, meaning full freedom of movement. Dennis says “it’s so buttery…”

Lightweight, too—the Infiniti Comp has only low-pile lining, for less bulk, and so it won’t hold as much water, which also keeps you warmer. Speaking of warmth, TDC smart fabric insulates the torso and legs by reflecting your body heat as infrared energy, an Xcel exclusive. The X2 chest-zip entry system shuts out water and makes changing in and out of the Infiniti Comp easy even for Dennis!



 Want to pretend you are wearing a 3-mil, while still enjoying the laid-back vibe of your cold water home? Follow Dennis’ lead. You won’t see him in any other suit than the Infiniti Comp Hooded 4.5/3.5mm for a really long time. Welcome to the new, warmer, “buttery” era for our northern latitudes.


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